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Aqui poderá encontrar uma seleção de alguns livros relevantes relacionados com os temas do projeto Crise, Representação Política e Renovação Democrática: O caso Português no contexto da Europa do Sul. Na secção “Publicações” poderá encontrar bibliografia produzida no âmbito do projeto.

Representação Política

Bühlmann, M., & Fivaz, J. (Eds.). (2016). Political Representation: Roles, representatives and the represented. London ; New York, NY: Routledge.

Davidson, R. H., Oleszek, W. J., & Lee, F. E. (2015). Congress and Its Members (15 edition). CQ Press.

Esaiasson, Peter, and Holmberg, Sören (1996), Representation from Above. Members of Parliament and Representative Democracy in Sweden, Aldershot, Dartmouth.

Esaiasson, P., & Narud, H. M. (Eds.). (2014). Between-Election Democracy: The Representative Relationship after Election Day. ECPR Press.

Fenno Jr, R. F. (2002). Home Style: House Members in Their Districts (Longman Classics edition). New York: Pearson.

Grimmer, P. J. (2013). Representational Style in Congress: What Legislators Say and Why It Matters. New York: Cambridge University Press.

Huber, J. D. & Powell, G. B. (1994) ‘Congruence between citizens and policymakers in two visions of liberal democracy’, World Politics, vol. 46, no. 3, pp. 291-326.

Manin, B., Przeworski, A. & Stokes, S. C. (1999) ‘Introduction’, ‘Elections and Representation’, in Democracy, Accountability and Representation, eds A. Przeworski, S. C. Stokes & B. Manin, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 1-26, 29-54.

Mayhew, D. R. (2004). Congress: The Electoral Connection, Second Edition (2 edition). New Haven: Yale University Press.

Pierce, R. (1999) ‘Mass-elite issue linkages and the responsible party model’, in Policy Representation in Western Democracies, eds W. Miller, R. Pierce, J. Thomassen, R. Herrera, S. Holmberg, P. Esaisson, & B. Webels, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 9-32.

Powell Jr., G. B. (2004) ‘Political representation in comparative politics’, Annual Review of Political Science, vol. 7, pp. 273-296.

Semenova, E. (Ed.). (2015). Parliamentary Elites in Central and Eastern Europe. London; New York: Routledge.

Urquizu, I. (2016). La crisis de representación en España. Madrid: Los Libros De La Catarata.

Wessels, B. (2007) ‘Political representation and democracy’, in The Oxford Handbook Political Behavior, eds R. J. Dalton & H.-D. Klingemann, Oxford University Press, Oxford,pp. 833-850.

Partidos e eleições

Bellucci, P., Lobo, M. C. & Lewis-Beck, M. (2012) ‘Economic Crisis and Elections: The European Periphery’, special issue of Electoral Studies, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 469-471.

Bermeo, N. & Bartels, L. M. (eds) (2014) Mass Politics in Tough Times: Opinions, Votes, and Protest in the Great Recession, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Brug, W. van der, & Vreese, C. H. de (Eds.). (2016). (Un)intended Consequences of EU Parliamentary Elections. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Caramani, D. (2015). The Europeanization of Politics: The Formation of a European Electorate and Party System in Historical Perspective. Cambridge University Press.

Bosco, Anna & Verney, Susannah (eds.) (2012) Elections in Hard Times: Southern Europe, 2010-11, special issue of South European Society and Politics, vol. 17, no. 2.

Dalton, Russell, Flanagan, Scott C., and Beck, Paul Allen (editors) (1984), Electoral Change in Advanced Industrial Democracies – Realignment or Dealignment?, Princeton, Princeton University Press.

Evans, Geoffrey, and Norris, Pippa (editors) (1999), Critical Elections. British Parties and Voters in Long-Term Perspective, London, Sage.

Magalhães, P. C. (2014a) ‘Introduction: financial crisis, austerity, and electoral politics’, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, vol. 24, no. 2, pp. 125-133.

Mainwaring, Scott, and Torcal, Mariano (2006), «Party System Institutionalization and Party System Theory after the Third Wave of Democratization», in Katz, Richard S., and Crotty, William (editors), Handbook of Party Politics, London, Sage, pp. 204-227.

Manow, P. (2016). Mixed Rules: Parties and Candidates in Germany’s Electoral System. Colchester, United Kingdom: ECPR Press

Martin, Pierre (2000), Comprendre les Évolutions Électorales. La Théorie des Réalignements Revisitée, Paris, Press de Sciences Po.

Nai, A., & Walter, A. (2015). New Perspectives on Negative Campaigning: Why Attack Politics Matters. Colchester, UK: ECPR Press

Norris, P. (2015). Why Elections Fail. Cambridge University Press.

Norris, P., Frank, R. W., & Coma, F. M. i (Eds.). (2015). Contentious Elections: From Ballots to Barricades. New York, NY: Routledge.

Roberts, K. M. (2015). Changing Course in Latin America: Party Systems In The Neoliberal Era. Cambridge University Press.

Verney, S. & Bosco, A. (2013) Protest Elections and Challenger Parties: Italy and Greece in the Economic Crisis, special issue of South European Society and Politics, vol. 18, no.

Crise e democracia

Achen, C. H., & Bartels, L. M. (2016). Democracy for Realists: Why Elections Do Not Produce Responsive Government. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Beethem, David (2001), International Idea Handbook on Democracy Assessment, Stockholm - IDEA, Kluwer Law International.

Diamond, Larry (1999), Development Democracy: Toward Consolidation, Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University Press.

Ferrín, M., & Kriesi, H. (Eds.). (2016). How Europeans View and Evaluate Democracy. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press.

Gherghina, S. (2013). Contemporary Populism: A Controversial Concept and Its Diverse Forms. (S. Miscoiu & S. Soare, Eds.). Newcastle, Neb.: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Gunther, Richard, Diamandouros, Nikiforos, Puhle, Hans-Jürgen (editors) (1995), The Politics of Democratic Consolidation: Southern Europe in Comparative Perspective, Baltimore, John Hopkins University Press.

Keating, M., & McCrone, D. (2015). The Crisis of Social Democracy in Europe (Reprint edition). Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Magalhães, P. (2014b) ‘Government effectiveness and support for democracy’, European Journal of Political Research, vol. 53, no. 1, pp. 77-97.

Matthijs, Matthias (2014) ‘Mediterranean Blues: The Crisis in Southern Europe’, Journal of Democracy, 25:1, 101–15.

Moffitt, B. (2016). The Global Rise of Populism: Performance, Political Style, and Representation. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.

Morlino, Leonardo (1998), Democracy Between Consolidation and Crisis. Parties, Groups, and Citizens in Southern Europe, Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Merkel, Wolfgang (2004), «Embedded and Defective Democracies», Democratization, Vol.11, No.5, pp.33–58.

Sayer, A. (2015). Why We Can’t Afford the Rich. Policy Press.

Schmitter, Philipe, e Trechsel, Alexander H. (editors) (2004), The Future of Democracy in Europe – Trends, Analyses and Reforms, Strasbourg, Council of Europe Publishing.

Participação e Protesto

Accornero, Guya & Pinto, Pedro Ramos (2014), «‘Mild Mannered’? Protest and Mobilisation in Portugal under Austerity, 2010–2013», West European Politics, DOI: 10.1080/01402382.2014.937587

Anduiza, E., Cristancho, C. and Sabucedo, J. M. (2014), ‘Mobilization through online social networks: the political protest of the indignados in Spain’, Information, Communication & Society, vol. 17, nº 6, pp. 750-764.

Baumgarten, Britta (2013a), “Geração à Rasca and beyond: Mobilizations in Portugal after 12 March 2011”, Current Sociology, 61(4), pp. 457–473.

Bermeo, N. & Bartels, L. M. (eds) (2014) Mass Politics in Tough Times: Opinions, Votes, and Protest in the Great Recession, Oxford University Press, Oxford.

Lima, Maria da Paz Campos, e Artiles, Antonio Martín (2011), “Crisis and trade union challenges in Portugal and Spain: between general strikes”, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, 17(3) 387–402.

Lima, M. da P. C. & Artiles, A. M. (2013) ‘Youth voice(s) in EU countries and social movements in Southern Europe’, Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 345–363.

Rüdig, W., & Karyotis, G. (2014) ‘Who protests in Greece? Mass opposition to austerity’, British Journal of Political Science, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 487-513.

Crise no Sul da Europa

Matthijs, Matthias (2014) ‘Mediterranean Blues: The Crisis in Southern Europe’, Journal of Democracy, 25:1, 101–15.

Godby, R., & Anderson, S. B. (2016). Greek Tragedy, European Odyssey: The Politics and Economics of the Eurozone Crisis. Place of publication not identified: Barbara Budrich Publishers.

Roux, C. (2013) ‘L’Europe du Sud dans la crise’, Pôle Sud-Revue de Science Politique, vol. 39, no. 2, pp. 5-9.