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This website aggregates information, data and results of three research projects carried out (and in progress) in Portugal between 2007 and 2019:

Project 1, “Portuguese Deputies in Comparative Perspective: Elections, Leadership and Political Representation” (2007-2010) (FCT: PTDC/CPO/64469/2006);

Project 2, “Elections, Leadership and Accountability: Political Representation in Portugal, in longitudinal and comparative perspective” (2012-2015) (FCT: PTDC/CPJ-CPO/119307/2010);

Project 3, “Crisis, Political Representation and Democratic Renewal: The Portuguese case in the Southern European context” (FCT: PTDC/IVC-CPO/3098/2014).

These projects are coordinated by André Freire, José Manuel Leite Viegas (only for Project 1 and 2), Ana Maria Belchior (only for Project 2, until October 2013), and Marco Lisi (only for Project 2, from November 2013 on, and for Project 3), and Emmanouil Tsatsanis (only for Project 3).

The projects are located at CIES - IUL (, within ISCTE - IUL ( Project 3 is an institutional partnership between CIES-IUL and IPRI-NOVA ( from FCSH/NOVA (

The projects are funded and/ or sponsored by the Portuguese Science Foundation (FCT), Portuguese Parliament (Assembleia da República), Ministery of Internal Affairs (DGAI-MAI – Direcção-geral da Administração Interna), National Election Commission (CNE – Comissão Nacional de Eleições) and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (FCG) (FCG only for Project 1 and DGAI-MAI only for project 1 and 2).

These projects are included in several international research networks in the field of Political Science to study comparatively and longitudinally (2008 to 2018) the political and parliamentary representation in Portugal, in particular through the study of political orientations, values and behaviours of MPs (MPs Survey, 2008, 2009, 2012-2013 and 2016), MP candidates (Candidate Surveys, 2009, 2011 and 2015) and Voters (Voter Surveys, 2008, 2012 and 2016-2018). In the specific pages of each of the projects are defined the international research networks and the respective links.

This site provides, both to the academic community and to the general public, relevant information about these three projects (research teams, sponsors, objectives, international research networks that these projects are part of). It is also possible to find the data produced and respective outputs (databases, questionnaires and codebooks related to various surveys conducted under the three projects). Furthermore, it also presents the main results (conferences organized by the projects, papers presented by its researchers at various conferences and list of publications), among other information.