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Freire, André, Mélany Barragán, Xavier Coller, Marco Lisi & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (editors) (2020), «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Before and After the Great Recession and the Commodity Crisis», Edited volume for Routledge book series “Routledge Research on Social and Political Elites”, Routledge: UK, June 2020. -

Lisi, Marco, André Freire & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (editors) (2020), Political Representation and Citizenship in Portugal: from Crisis to Renewal?, Lexington Books – Rowman & Littlefield, July 2020. -

Freire, André. (2017). Para lá da «Geringonça»: o governo de esquerdas em Portugal e na Europa. Lisboa: Contraponto.

Freire, André, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), (2016), Representação e participação política na Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Freire, André, Lisi, Marco, Andreadis, Ioannis, Viegas, José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.) (2016), Political Representation in Times of Bailout: Evidence from Greece and Portugal, London, Routledge.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Organização em Edições Especiais

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil, André Freire & Marco Lisi (Eds.) (Forthcoming 2020), Special Issue «A generational divide? Age-related aspects of political transformation in post-crisis Southern Europe», in South European Society & Politics.

André Freire & Marco Lisi (2016), Organização do Dossiê “Political Parties, Citizens and the Economic Crisis: the Evolution of Southern European Democracies”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, Vol. 15, Nº 2, pp. 153-274 (artigos sobre Chipre, por Yiannos Katsourides – University of Cyprus -, Grécia, por Emmanouil Tsatsanis – CIES-IUL -, Espanha, por Lucia Medina – UAB -, Itália, por Marco Lisi - FCSH-UNL -, & Portugal, por André Freire - ISCTE-IUL: 5 no total; mais uma introdução dos organizadores),id=3180/


Espírito-Santo, A., Freire, A. & Serra-Silva, S. (2019). Does women’s descriptive representation matter for policy preferences? The role of political parties. Party Politics. N/A

Freire, A. & Kivistik, K. (2018). Authoritarian legacies and mass left-right regime support in new democracies: the Baltic States and Southern Europe compared. Comparative European Politics. 16 (2), 249-270

Borghetto, Enrico, e Marco Lisi (2018) «Productivity and Reselection in a Party-Based Environment: Evidence from the Portuguese Case». Parliamentary Affairs, n.0: 1–20. Lisi, Marco (2018) «Party innovation, hybridisation and the crisis: The case of Podemos.» Italian Journal of Political Science

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil, Andreadis, Ioannis & Teperoglou, Eftichia (2018) ‘Populism from below: Socio-economic and ideological correlates of mass attitudes in Greece’. South European Society and Politics, 23(4): 429-450.

Lisi, Marco, and Enrico Borghetto (2018). “Populism, Blame Shifting and the Crisis: Discourse Strategies in Portuguese Political Parties.” South European Society and Politics 23, no. 4: 405–27.

Freire, André (2017), «The advisory and scrutiny role of academic political scientists in electoral reform in Portugal», Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy, within the special issue, «Electoral reforms - What Political Scientists Know that Practitioners Don’t?», organized by Damien Bol, Camille Bedock & Thomas Ehrhard (manuscript under evaluation),

Freire, André, Luís Cabrita, Mariana Carmo Duarte, & Hugo Ferrinho Lopes (2017), «Workers’ EU Political Alignments during the Great Recession», Transfer: European Review of Labour and Research. Vol 23, (4 ). DOI: 10.1177/1024258917696239

Freire, André (2017), «The advisory and scrutiny role of academic political scientists in electoral reform in Portugal», Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy, within the special issue, «Electoral reforms - What Political Scientists Know that Practitioners Don’t?», organized by Damien Bol, Camille Bedock & Thomas Ehrhard (forthcoming),

Freire, André (2017), «The advisory and scrutiny role of academic political scientists in electoral reform in Portugal», Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy, within the special issue, «Electoral reforms - What Political Scientists Know that Practitioners Don’t?», organized by Damien Bol, Camille Bedock & Thomas Ehrhard (forthcoming),

Freire, André (2017), «Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy», Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy. N. 16(3).

Tsatsanis, E. & Teperoglou, E. (2016) ‘Realignment under Stress: The July 2015 Referendum and the September Parliamentary Election in Greece’, South European Society and Politics, Vol. 21(4), pp. 427-450

Teixeira, C.P., Tsatsanis, E. & Belchior, A.M. (2016) ‘A “necessary evil” even during hard times? Public support for political parties in Portugal before and after the bailout (2008 and 2012)’, Party Politics, Vol. 22(6), pp. 719-731

Freire, André, and Kats Kivistik (2016), «Regime transition, value conflicts and the left-right divide at the mass level: The Baltic States and Southern Europe compared», Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 49, Nº 4, pp. 293-311 (within the 2016 special issue on «The transformations of far right and far left in Europe»., Guest Editor, Marlene Laruelle).

Freire, André, & Santana-Pereira, José (2016), «The Portuguese National Election of 2015: From Austerity to the fall of the Portuguese ‘Berlin Wall’», Pôle Sud – Revue de Science Politique, Volume 44, Nº 1, pp. 142-147.

Freire, André, & Kivistik, Kats (2016), «Authoritarian legacies and mass left-right regime support in new democracies: The Baltic States and Southern Europe compared», Comparative European Politics, DOI:

Belchior, A., Tsatsanis, E. & Teixeira, C. P. (2016) ‘Representation in times of crisis: deputy–voter congruence on views of representation in Portugal’, International Political Science Review, Vol. 37(2), pp. 277-293

Freire, André, and Kats Kivistik (2016), «Regime transition, value conflicts and the left-right divide at the mass level: The Baltic States and Southern Europe compared», Communist and Post-Communist Studies, Vol. 49, Nº 4, pp. 293-311 (within the 2016 special issue on «The transformations of far right and far left in Europe»., Guest Editor, Marlene Laruelle).

Freire, André, & Lisi, Marco (2016), «Introduction: Political Parties, Institutions and Civil Society: The Economic Crisis and the Evolution of Southern Europe Political Systems », within the Dossier “Political Parties, Institutions and Civil Society: The Economic Crisis and the Evolution of Southern Europe Political Systems”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, Vol. 15, Nº 2, 153-171.,id=3180/

Freire, André (2016), «The condition of Portuguese democracy during the Troika’s intervention, 2011-2015», within the Dossiê “Political Parties, Citizens and the Economic Crisis: the Evolution of Southern European Democracies”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science,, Vol. 15, Nº 2, pp. 173-193.,id=3180/

Azevedo, Alda Botelho, López-Colás, Julián, & Módenes, Juan A. (2016). «Home Ownership in Southern European Countries: Similarities and Differences». The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 15(2).
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Freire, André (2016), «The condition of Portuguese democracy during the Troika’s intervention, 2011-2015», within the Dossiê “Political Parties, Citizens and the Economic Crisis: the Evolution of Southern European Democracies”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science,, Vol. 15, Nº 2, pp. 173-193.,id=3180/
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Freire, André, & Lisi, Marco (2016), «Introduction: Political Parties, Institutions and Civil Society: The Economic Crisis and the Evolution of Southern Europe Political Systems », within the Dossier “Political Parties, Institutions and Civil Society: The Economic Crisis and the Evolution of Southern Europe Political Systems”, Portuguese Journal of Social Science, Vol. 15, Nº 2, 153-171.,id=3180/
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Katsourides, Yiannos. (2016). «Delegitimization Accelerated: Democracy, Accountability and the Troika Experience in Cyprus». The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 15(2).
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Lisi, Marco. (2016). «Party System (De-)Institutionalization and the Economic Crisis: Insights from the Italian Case». The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 15(2).
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Medina, Lucía. (2016). «Crisis, Changes and Uncertainty: The Spanish Party System after the Great Recession». The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 15(2).
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Rezola, Maria Inácia. (2016). «O Adeus ao Império: 40 Anos de Descolonização Portuguesa / Farewell to Empire: 40 Years of Portuguese Decolonization». The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 15(2).
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil. (2016). «Politics in the Depressed Republic: Transformation and Continuity in Greece during the Crisis». The Portuguese Journal of Social Science, 15(2).
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Capítulos de livros

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil (2020). "Making friends and foes in another dimension: Populists, anti-populists and the reconfiguration of political competition in Greece." In Actions and Reactions: Populism and New Patterns of Political Competition in Western Europe, edited by Daniele Albertazzi and Davide Vampa. London and New York: Routledge.

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil and Teperoglou, Eftichia (2020). “Greece´s coalition governments: Power sharing in a majoritarian democracy.” In Coalition Government as a Reflection of a Nation’s Politics and Society: A Comparative Study of Parliamentary Parties and Cabinets in 12 Countries, edited by Matt Evans. London and New York: Routledge.

Espírito-Santo, Ana, Freire, A. & Serra-Silva, Sofia (2019). A representação descritiva das mulheres é importante para as preferências políticas? O papel dos partidos políticos. In Ana Paula Pires, Ivo Veiga e Fátima Mariano (Ed.), Mulheres e Eleições. Lisboa: Edições Almedina.

Freire, A., Valentim, V., Queiroga, V. & Graça, F. (2018). A participação política dos jovens, antes e depois da Grande Recessão: Portugal em perspectiva comparada, 2008-2016. In Lígia H. H. Lüchmann, Britta Baumgarten (Ed.), Modalidades e trajectórias de participação no Brasil e em Portugal. (pp. 85-107). Florianópolis: Editora Insular.

Freire, A. (2018). Electoral systems and political reforms: Portugal in comparative perspective. In António Costa Pinto, Conceicão Teixeira (Ed.), Political institutions and democracy in Portugal. Assessing the impact of the eurocrisis. (pp. 55-76). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Freire, A. (2018). O poder dos presidentes. In Maria Luísa Bouza Serrano e Olívia Beleza Afonso (Eds). Como fomos, assim estamos: Portugal escrito pelos Portugueses, e não só. (pp. 561-562). Lisboa: Nova Vega.

Freire, A. (2018). A reforma do sistema eleitoral em Portugal: um eterno retorno. In Marina Costa Lobo (Ed.), Sistema eleitoral português: problemas e soluções. (pp. 53-66). Coimbra: Almedina.

Freire, A., Carvalho, J. & Espírito-Santo, Ana (2018). Governo de esquerdas e desigualdades socioeconómicas, culturais e políticas. In Renato Miguel do Carmo, João Sebastião, Joana Azevedo, Susana da Cruz Martins e António Firmino da Costa (Eds). Desigualdades sociais:
Portugal e a Europa. (pp. 225-240). Lisboa: Mundos Sociais

André Freire & José Santana Pereira. (2018). «More Second-Order than Ever? The 2014 European Parliament Elections in Portugal», in Hermann Schmitt & Eftichia Teperoglou (eds.), The 2014 European Parliament Elections in Southern Europe: Still Second Order or Critical Contests?, Londres, Routledge .

Ramalhete, Vera e Marco Lisi. (2018). «The “neoliberal agenda”: how Portuguese parties use the «neoliberalism» concept to argue against austerity» in Oswald, S. & Maillat, D. (Eds.). Argumentation and Inference: Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Argumentation, Fribourg 2017 (Vol. II, 645-662). London: College Publications.

Lisi, Marco (2018), «The limits of party change: candidate selection in Portugal in the age of crisis». In Coller, X., Cordero, G. e Castillo, A. J. Castillo eds. The Selection of Politicians in Times of Crisis, London: Routledge, pp. 206-225.

Freire, André, & Santana-Pereira, José (2018), «Le système électoral relatif aux élections législatives au Portugal: stabilité et réforme des dispositifs constitutionnels et législatifs», in Damien Connil et Dimitri Löhrer (dir.), Quarante ans d'application de la Constitution portugaise, Institut universitaire Varenne, LGDJ-Lextenso, pp. 63-82

Pereira, J. S., & Freire, A. (2017). Integração europeia e alinhamentos partidários: o caso português como exemplo para as novas democracias do Leste europeu. In Nuno Severiano Teixeira, António Costa Pinto (Eds.), A Europeização da Democracia Portuguesa, pp. 147-178. Lisboa: ICS. Imprensa de Ciências Sociais.

Lisi, Marco, & Freire, André (2017), «As eleições para a Assembleia Constituinte», Reis, António, Rezola, Maria Inácia, & Santos, Paula Borges (organizadores), Dicionário de História de Portugal, 1974-1976, Porto, Figueirinhas, Volume (Livro) 3 – Letras C & E, pp. 288-302.

Freire, André, & Lisi, Marco (2017), «Eleições para as Autarquias Locais, 1976», Reis, António, Rezola, Maria Inácia, & Santos, Paula Borges (organizadores), Dicionário de História de Portugal, 1974-1976, Porto, Figueirinhas, Volume (Livro) 3 – Letras C-E, pp.302-309.

Freire, André (2017), «A Representação das minorias na democracia portuguesa, 1974-2016», in Odair Varela et al (editors), Livro Comemorativo do X Aniversário do ISCJS (Instituto Superior de Ciências Jurídics e Sociais), Coimbra – Portugal & Praia – Cabo Verde, forthcoming.

Freire, André (2017), «The fall of the Berlin Wall 26 years later: the state of the left in Portugal, 2015-2016», in Cornelia Hildebrandt (editor), State of Affairs in Europe 2016, Rosa Luxemburg Series "RLS Dokumentation": Berlin, pp.1-34.

Marco Lisi & André Freire (2017), «The radical left in Portugal: from policy to office seeking? », in Luke March, Fabien Escalona, & Mathieu Vieira (editors), Handbook of Radical Left Parties in Europe, Palgrave Macmillan

Lisi, M. (2017), 'The limits of party change: candidate selection in Portugal in the age of crisis', in The Selection of Politicians in Times of Crisis , Coller, X., Cordero, G. e Castillo, A. J. Castillo eds. London: Routledge. forthcoming.

Freire, André, & Lisi, Marco (2016), “The Portuguese Radical Left and the Great Recession: Old Challenges and New Responses”, in Luke March & Daniel Keith (eds.), Europe's Radical Left: From Marginality to Mainstream?, London, Rowman and Littlefield, pp. 253-272.

Freire, André, & Catherine Moury (2016), «Citizens’ and elites’ support for the EU, before and after the financial crisis: The Southern European Peripheries (Greece, Portugal, and Spain) in Comparative Perspective», in Jerez Mir, Miguel, Real-Dato, José, & Vázquez-Garcia, Rafael (eds.), Iberian Elites and the EU. Perceptions towards the European Integration Process in Political and Socioeonomic Elites in Portugal and Spain, Granada, Editorial Universidad de Granada, pp. 155-182.

André Freire (2016), «A governação democrática portuguesa perante a intervenção da Troika: Padrões de governação-oposição e determinantes individuais do apoio ao regime e da confiança política», in Álvaro Borralho (organizador), Revolução e democracia: 40 anos após Abril de 1974, Açores, Universidade dos Açores – Centro de Estudos Sociais, Famalicão, Editora Húmus, pp. 47-90.

Freire, André (2016), «O futuro da democracia na era da globalização e da europeização. Reflexão a propósito de uma conjuntura portuguesa», in António M. Hespanha, Ivo Veiga e Maria Inácia Rezola (eds.), A Prova do Tempo. 40 anos de Constituição, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, pp. 101-132

Freire, André, Tsatsanis, Emmanouil, & Lima, Inês (2016), «Portugal in times of crisis: value change and policy representation», in Malina Voicu, Ingvill C. Mochmann, Hermann Dülmer (editors), Values, economic crisis and democracy, Abingdon, Routledge, 240-276.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Freire, André, & Lisi, Marco, com Isabel Leite (2016), «Braz, Manuel da Costa», Reis, António, Rezola, Maria Inácia, & Santos, Paula Borges (organizadores), Dicionário de História de Portugal, 1974-1976, Porto, Figueirinhas, Volume (Livro) 1 – Letras A & B, pp. 353-359.

Freire, André, & Sofia Serra Silva (2016), «A Opinião pública de direita, antes e depois da crise de 2008: Portugal em perspetiva comparada», in Marchi, Ricardo (ed.), As Direitas na Democracia Portuguesa. Origens, Percursos, Mudanças e Novos Desafios, Lisboa, Texto Editores, pp. 57-92.

Freire, André & José Santana Pereira (2016), “More Second-Order than Ever? The 2014 European Parliament Elections in Portugal”, in Hermann Schmitt & Eftichia Teperoglou (eds.), The 2014 European Parliament Elections in Southern Europe: Still Second Order or Critical Contests?, Londres, Routledge, Chapter 5.

Marco Lisi, André Freire & José Manuel Leite Viegas (2016), «Introdução», in André Freire, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Participação e Representação Políticas na Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento, pp. 17-28.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Eftichia Teperoglou, André Freire, Ioannis Andreadis, José Manuel Leite Viegas (2016), «As atitudes das elites e dos eleitores face as políticas de austeridade e o seu impacto na Grécia e em Portugal», in André Freire, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Participação e Representação Políticas na Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento, pp. 35-54.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

José Santana-Pereira, & Marco Lisi. (2016). Individualização das campanhas eleitorais antes e depois do resgate: uma comparação entre Grécia e Portugal. Em Representação e Participação Política na Europa em Crise Lisboa: Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento, pp. 55–74.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Emmanouil Tsatsanis, André Freire & Yannis Tsirbas (2016), «O impacto da crise económica no espaço ideológico em Portugal e na Grécia: uma comparação entre elites e eleitores», in André Freire, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Representação e Participação Política na Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento, pp. 75-102.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

André Freire, Eftichia Teperoglou & Catherine Moury (2016), «O despertar do gigante adormecido: atitudes em relação à integração europeia na Grécia e em Portugal em tempos de crise económica», in André Freire, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Participação e Representação Políticas na Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento, pp. 125-152.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Teixeira, C.P., Tsatsanis, E. & Belchior, A.M. (2016) ‘Apoio dos portugueses à democracia em tempos de crise: apoio difuso e específico em Portugal e na Grécia’ in André Freire, Marco Lisi and José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Representação e Participação Política na Europa em Crise, Lisboa: Assembleia da República, Colecção Parlamento, pp. 153-179
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

José Santana-Pereira & Marco Lisi. (2016). Campanhas de partidos ou de candidatos? Individualização das campanhas eleitorais em diferentes cenários políticos e institucionais. Em Representação e Participação Política na Europa em Crise. Lisboa: Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento, pp. 221–234.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

André Freire, Ana Espírito-Santo & Sofia Serra da Silva (2016), «A representação descritiva género no Parlamento faz diferença nas preferências políticas? O papel dos partidos políticos», in André Freire, Marco Lisi & José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Participação e Representação Políticas na Europa em Crise, Lisboa, Assembleia da República, Coleção Parlamento, pp. 285-312.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Freire, André, Lisi, Marco, Andreadis, Ioannis, Viegas, José Manuel Leite Viegas (2016), «Political Representation in Bailed-out Southern Europe: Greece and Portugal Compared», Freire, André, Lisi, Marco, Andreadis, Ioannis, Viegas, José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Political Representation in Times of Bailout: Evidence from Greece and Portugal, London, Routledge, pp. 1-20.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Teperoglou, Eftichia, Freire, André, Andreadis, Ioannis, & Viegas, José Manuel Leite (2016), «Elites’ and Voters’ Attitudes towards Austerity Policies and their Consequences in Greece and Portugal» Freire, André, Lisi, Marco, Andreadis, Ioannis, Viegas, José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Political Representation in Times of Bailout: Evidence from Greece and Portugal, London, Routledge, pp. 21-40.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

André Freire, Eftichia Teperoglou, & Catherine Moury (2016), «Awakening the Sleeping Giant in Greece and Portugal? Elites’ and Voters’ Attitudes towards EU Integration in Difficult Economic Times», in Freire, André, Lisi, Marco, Andreadis, Ioannis, Viegas, José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Political Representation in Times of Bailout: Evidence from Greece and Portugal, London, Routledge, pp. pp. 41-63.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil, Freire, André & Tsirbas, Ioannis. (2016), «The Impact of the Economic Crisis on the Ideological Space in Portugal and Greece: A Comparison of Elites and Voters», in Freire, André, Lisi, Marco, Andreadis, Ioannis, Viegas, José Manuel Leite Viegas (eds.), Political Representation in Times of Bailout: Evidence from Greece and Portugal, London, Routledge, pp. 64-85.
(esta publicação respeita ao projeto anterior, mas como foi dada à estampa durante a vigência deste, aparece aqui)

Artigos apresentados em conferências nacionais

Roig, Rosa (2018). «The modernization of Spain: How it narrowed the gender gap in political knowledge and boosted women's equality (1996-2017)» ). Workshop «Recent Iberian Political Developments:gender gap and digital media issues. Observatório da Democracia e Representação Política – CIES-IUL: Lisboa

Lobo, Mafalda & Carlos Cunha. (2018). «Portuguese digital Politics and Government: The use of Social media by Portugal’s members of parliament» ). Workshop «Recent Iberian Political Developments:gender gap and digital media issues. Observatório da Democracia e Representação Política – CIES-IUL: Lisboa

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil, Ana Belchior & Conceição Pequito Teixeira (2018) «Democratic legitimacy and trust in political institutions in Portugal before and after the Great Recession: transitory or lasting effects?». IX Congresso da APCP, Universidade do Minho, Braga, abril 18-20, 2018.

Lisi, Marco & Vera Ramalhete (2018), «Variedade de eurocepticismo em tempos de crise: eleitores e deputados numa perspetiva longitudinal». IX Congresso da APCP, Universidade do Minho, Braga, abril 18-20, 2018.

Lisi, Marco (2018) «Os efeitos da crise nos sistemas partidários europeus». Seminário de Política Comparada e Relações Internacionais 2017/2018 do IPRI-NOVA, Lisboa, 23 de fevereiro de 2018.

Freire, André, Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Augusta Correia (2018), « Ideological and policy representation in Portugal, before and after the Great Recession, 2008-2017 ». IX Congresso da APCP, Universidade do Minho, Braga, abril 18-20, 2018.

Freire, André, Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Augusta Correia (2018), « Ideological and policy representation in Portugal, before and after the Great Recession, 2008-2017 ». IX Congresso da APCP, Universidade do Minho, Braga, abril 18-20, 2018.

Freire, André, Ana Prata & Sofia Serra-Silva (2018), «Gender and political representation before and after the Great Recession, 2008-2017». IX Congresso da APCP, Universidade do Minho, Braga, abril 18-20, 2018.

Freire, André, Ana Prata & Sofia Serra-Silva (2018), «Gender and political representation before and after the Great Recession, 2008-2017». IX Congresso da APCP, Universidade do Minho, Braga, abril 18-20, 2018.

De Giorgi, Elisabetta, & João Cancela (2018) «Bridging The Gap? The Changing Relationship Between the Socialists and Radical Left in Portugal». IX Congresso da APCP, Universidade do Minho, Braga, abril 18-20, 2018.

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the paper, «A Democracia em Portugal e na Europa: sinais de crise e cenários alternativos para of futuro», at the conference «O Futuro de Portugal na Europa» organized by Associação Nacional de Estudantes de Sociologia, I Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Sociologia, Coimbra, 18-3-2017, 17h. Invited by the Núcleo de Estudantes de Sociologia of AAC.

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the paper «O Futuro da democracia em Portugal e na Europa», at Festival de Filosofia de Abrantes («O regresso da história, a crise da democracia e o autoritarismo, a religião e os radicalismos»), Abrantes, 12-11-2017. Organized by Câmara Municipal de Abrantes, whom invited the speaker.

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the paper «o Futuro da Democracia em Portugal e na Europa», at Biblioteca Museu República & Resistência, Lisbon, 26-4-2017. Followed by a debated performed by Professors Catherine Moury (FCSH-UNL) and João Carvalho (CIES-IUL & ISCTE-IUL). Invited by the Director Jorge Mangorrinha, for the cycle of conferences «A República Hoje».

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the paper «A Queda do Muro de Berlim 26 anos depois em Portugal», PhD in Political Science & International Relations, at the University of Minho – School of Economics and Management, 27-4-2017. Parternship Phd in PS at ISCTE-IUL with PhD in PS & IR at UM-EEG.

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the book «Para Lá da ‘Geringonça’: O Governo de Esquerdas em Portugal e na Europa», followed by a debate around the book by MPs Hortense Martins (PS), Mariana Mortágua (BE), and Rita Rato (PCP), at UBI – Universty of Beira Interior, Covilhã, 24-5-2017. Organized by Professor Liliana Reis.

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the Book «Para Lá da ‘Geringonça’: O Governo de Esquerdas em Portugal e na Europa», followed by debate performed by José Manuel Pureza (FE-UC), Sandra Carvalho (CES-UC), Rui Bebiano (FL-UC), & Elisio Estanque (FE-UC) as moderator, at Galerias Santa Clara, Coimbra, 18-3-2017.

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the book «Para Lá da ‘Geringonça’: O Governo de Esquerdas em Portugal e na Europa», followed by a debate around the book by Miguel Real (writer) 25-3-2017. Organized by the Civic Association Alagamares (headed by Fernando Gomes).

André Freire (2017) Presentation of the book «Para Lá da ‘Geringonça’: O Governo de Esquerdas em Portugal e na Europa», followed by a debate around the book by MPs Ana Catarina Mendes (PS) and Pedro Filipe Soares (BE), at the Bookshop Bertrand – Picoas Plaza, 16-3-2017.

André Freire & Sofia Serra Silva (2016), «A opinião pública de direita, antes e depois da crise de 2008: Portugal em perspetiva comparada», paper presented at the Jornadas de Ciência Política VI, ISCTE-IUL, 26-27/4/2016, organized by Núcleo de Alunos de Ciência Política (NACP) of ISCTE-IUL, helped by Professor Ana Espirito-Santo (Director of the Bachelors Degree in Political Science of ISCTE-IUL), responsible for the invitation.

Marco Lisi (2016). Crises Económicas e a Emergência dos Populismos na Europa. Seminário de Óbidos 2016, 15-17/09/2016, Óbidos.

André Freire (2016), Presentation of the paper «O Futuro da Democracia Política», within the «DEBATE «DEMOCRACIA: QUE FUTURO», 14-12-2016 - 18:00h, at Café Santa Cruz - Praça 8 de maio – COIMBRA (with André Freire (ISCTE-IUL), José Augusto Ferreira da Silva (local councilor of CpC), Manuel Carvalho da Silva (CES-Lx), Maria do Rosário Gama (APRe!), Moderato: Sandra Carvalho (CES-UC). Organization: ► Movimento cívico Cidadãos por Coimbra (CpC); Programas de Doutoramentos em Sociologia: Relações de Trabalho, Desigualdades Sociais e Sindicalismo (FEUC/CES); Democracia no Século XXI (CES); ► Núcleo de Políticas Sociais, Trabalho e Desigualdades (CES); ► Projeto “Rebuilding trade union power under austerity age: three sectors under review” (PTDC/IVC-SOC/3533/2014 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016808) (CES).»

André Freire (2016), organizer & paper giver at the seminar «Governo de esquerdas: a importância das alianças sociais e políticas – o caso Português no contexto europeu», wihtin the set of seminars that were organized in preparation of the XXI National Congres of the Portuguese Socialist Party (PS), 3-5/6/2016. The session took place in 3/6/2016, 21h30m-23h, Hotel Sana, Oriente, Lisboa.

André Freire (2016), «The fall of the Berlin Wall 26 years later: the state of the left in Portugal, 2015-2016», paper presented at the Seminar State of Affairs in Europe, 3rd edition of the Berlin Seminar, 7-10/7/2016, Berlin, Germany, organized by Cornelia Hildebrandt (Rosa Luxemburg Foundation – Transform).

André Freire (2016), «The condition of Portuguese democracy during the Troika's intervention, 2011-2014: Government-Opposition, Regime Support & Political Trust », paper presented at the Milan University, seminar The politics of bailouts negotiations, Milano Workshop – June 9th-10th, 2016, REScEU - Reconciling economic and social Europe (ERC Advanced Grant 2013).

André Freire (2016), «Estudar Ciência Política (CP) e/ou Relações Internacionais (RI) em Portugal: Porquê, Onde? e Para Quê?», paper presented at the Jornadas de Ciência Política I, Minho University, 16/5/16, organization and invitation Núcleo de Alunos de Ciência Política da Universidade do Minho & Professor Isabel Estrada Carvalhais.

André Freire (2016), «Democracia formal e informal em Portugal: onde estamos, como melhorar?», paper presented at the seminar "conversas ao lusco-fusco" («40 anos da Constituição, o estado da nossa democracia, tanto formal como informal) organized by Monde diplomatique – Portuguese edition (Sandra Monteiro) & Parish of Lumiar (Pedro Delgado Alves), 10/5/2016, 18h30m, Salão Nobre da Junta de Freguesia do Lumiar, Quinta das Conchas, Lisboa. Freire invitated by the organizers.

André Freire (2016), «Crise e transformação das esquerdas europeias antes e depois do fim da URSS», paper presented at the Workshop Comunistas na Europa Ocidental 25 anos depois do fim da URSS, Oporto University – Arts Faculty, 19/5/2016 (organization and invitation: Master & PhD in History & International Relations – Manuel Loff).

André Freire (2016), «A Esquerda Radical e o Governo de Esquerdas em Portugal e na Europa», paper presented at the seminar on the topic of Radical Left vs Government of the Left, Associação de Socorros Mútuos e Artística Vimaranense, Guimarães, 17/5/2016. Organization & invitation Associação de Socorros Mútuos e Artística Vimaranense, Professor Francisco Teixeira.

André Freire, José Santana-Pereira & Enrico Borgetto (2016), «Individualized forms of representation and their prerequisites: the Portugese case», paper presented at the Workshop on «Individualized Representation and its Prerequisites», Goethe-University Frankfurt, 24.11 – 26.11.2016, under the umbrella of the project «Individualized forms of representation and their prerequisites», internationally coordinated by Thomas Zittel (with Dominic Nyhuis, Matthias Henneke) (Frankfurt am Main University, Germany, and Goethe Research Institute).

André Freire, Ana Pratas & Sofia Serra Silva (2016), «Igualdade de género na representação parlamentar: faz alguma diferença?», International Conmgress: Mulheres, Cidadania e Direito de Voto, organization of IHC/FCSH-NOVA (Ana Cabrera, Ana Paula Pires, Eunice Relvas, Fátima Mariano e Ivo Veiga), Portuguese Parliament – Assembleia da República, 21-22/11/2016. Keynote speaker by invitation of the organizers. See:

Artigos apresentados em conferências internacionais

Tsatsanis, Emmanouil, Ana Belchior & Conceição Pequito Teixeira (2018) «Democratic legitimacy and trust in political institutions in Portugal before and after the Great Recession: transitory or lasting effects?». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Teperoglou, Eftichia, & Ana Maria Belchior (2018) « Determinants of Euroscepticism in Southern Europe After the Great Recession». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Ramalhete, Vera & Marco Lisi (2018) «Variety of Euroscepticism in Times of Crisis: Portuguese Voters and MPs in Longitudinal Perspective» ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Prata, Ana, André Freire & Sofia Serra Silva (2018) «Gender and political representation before and after the Great Recession, 2008-2017». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Montero, José Ramón, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, André Freire & Enrico Borghetto (2018) «What kind of democrats? Ideological and generational gaps in forms of support for democracy in Southern Europe in the aftermath of the economic crisis ». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Lisi, Marco, Mario Quaranta, José Real Dato & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2018) «Electoral dealignment and age effect: political context and party system change during the crisis». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Freire, André, Xavier Coller, Emmanouil Tsatsanis & Paolo Segatti (2018) «Descriptive and substantive representation in Southern Europe: A general overview before and after the Great Recession». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

De Giorgi, Elisabetta, & João Cancela (2018) «Still in opposition mode? Communist parties supporting government in Italy and Portugal». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Correia, Augusta, André Freire & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2018) «Ideological and policy representation in Portugal, before and after the Great Recession, 2008-2017». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Cancela, João, Irene Martin, Mario Quaranta & Yannis Tsirbas (2018) « Representative institutions and young people in Southern Europe». ECPR General Conference, Hamburgo, 22-25 agosto, 2018.

Xavier Coller, André Freire, Ioannis Andreadis, Antonio M. Jaime, Sofia Serra da Silva & Evangelia Kartsounidou (2017), «Methodological issues in the studies of political elites: evidence and reflections about the cases of Greece, Spain and Portugal», within the panels on «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession? », at IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, University of Salamanca, Spain, July, 17-19, 2017,

Xavier Coller, André Freire, Ioannis Andreadis, Antonio M. Jaime, Sofia Serra da Silva, Evangelia Kartsounidou (2017), «Methodological issues in the studies of political elites: evidence and reflections about the cases of Greece, Spain and Portugal», The Standing Group on Elites and Political Leadership, ECPR General Conference in Oslo, Norway (6-9 September, 2017).

Tsatsanis, E, Andreadis, I. & Teperoglou E. (2017) ‘Populism from below: The ideological and social correlates of populist attitudes in Greece’. Presented at the 10th ECPR General Conference, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-10 September

Tsatsanis, E, Andreadis, I. & Teperoglou E. (2017) ‘Populism from below: The ideological and social correlates of populist attitudes in Greece’. Presented at the 67th PSA Annual International Conference, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK, 10-12 April

Enrico Borghetto, & Marco Lisi. (2017). Populism, blame shifting and the crisis: communication strategies in Portuguese political parties. ECPR General Conference 2017, Oslo.

André Freire, Mélany Barragán, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Manuel Alcántara Saez (2017), « The issue anchoring of left and right among political elites: Southern Europe and Latin American compared», within the panels on «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession? », at IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, University of Salamanca, Spain, July, 17-19, 2017,

André Freire, Marco Lisi, & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2017), «Political representation studies in Portugal, before and after the ‘Great Recession’? The legitimation and ideological linkages between voters and their representatives», The Standing Group on Elites and Political Leadership, ECPR General Conference in Oslo, Norway (6-9 September, 2017).

André Freire, Marco Lisi, & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2017), «Political representation studies in Portugal, before and after the ‘Great Recession’? The legitimation and ideological linkages between voters and their representatives», within the panels on «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession? », at IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, University of Salamanca, Spain, July, 17-19, 2017,

Xavier Coller, André Freire, Ioannis Andreadis, Antonio M. Jaime, Sofia Serra da Silva, & Evangelia Kartsounidou v. (2017), Methodological issues in the studies of political elites: evidence and reflections about the cases of Greece, Spain and Portugal. IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, Salamanca.

Vera Ramalhete, & Marco Lisi. (2017). The «neoliberal agenda»: how Portuguese parties use the «neoliberalism» concept to argue against austerity. 2nd European Conference on Argumentation, Friburgo, 20-23 de junho.

Marco Lisi & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2017), Against Europe? Untangling the Links between Ideology and Euroscepticism. 113th APSA Annual Meeting. São Francisco, 31 agosto a 3 de setembro.

Marco Lisi & Enrico Borghetto (2017), Populism, blame shifting and the crisis: communication strategies in Portuguese political parties. ESPAnet 2017, Lisboa. M. Lisi, I. Llamazares, and M. Tsakatika, Economic Crisis and Challenges to established Parties: Testing the Inclusionary Populism Hypothesis in Greece, Portugal and Spain, paper Apresentado no workshop Party Realignment, Economic Crisis and Varieties of Populism in Europe, organizado por Paolo Graziano e Manuela Caiani, Scuola Normale Superiore, Florença, 9-10 novembro 2017.

Enrico Borghetto & Marco Lisi (2017), Populism, blame shifting and the crisis: communication strategies in Portuguese political parties. ECPR General Conference 2017, Oslo.

André Freire, Mélany Barragán, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, & Manuel Alcántara Saez (2017), The issue anchoring of left and right among political elites: Southern Europe and Latin American compared. IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, Salamanca.

André Freire, Marco Lisi, & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2017), Political representation studies in Portugal, before and after the ‘Great Recession’? The legitimation and ideological linkages between voters and their representatives. IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, Salamanca.

André Freire, Marco Lisi, & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2017), Political Representation Studies in Portugal, Before and After the ‘Great Recession’? The Legitimation and Ideological Linkages between Voters and their Representatives. ECPR General Conference 2017, Oslo.

André Freire (2017), The condition of Portuguese democracy during the Troika’s intervention, 2011–15, and the left-wing alliance, 2015-2017. L’Espagne et le Portugal après la crise: La péninsule Ibérique en transition, Paris.

Xavier Coller, André Freire, António M. Jaime, Sofia Serra Silva, Ioannis Andreadis & Evangelia Kartsounidou (2016), «Methodological issues in the studies of political elites: evidence and reflections about the cases of Greece, Spain and Portugal», paper delivered at the panel on Southern Europe within the set of two panels on «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America», 24th IPSA World Congress, 23-28 July, 2016, Poznan, Poland., Research Committee «Political Elites», RC02, & Research Committee 23 (RC23), «Elections, Citizens and Parties» (IPSA-ECP).

Tsatsanis, E. (2016) ‘The hidden influence of negative partisanship: the impact of party antipathy on electoral behaviour’. Presented at the 2nd GrEPOP conference, Panteion University, Athens, Greece, 26-27 May

Marco Lisi. (2016). The Representative Potential of New Populist Parties: The Case of Podemos and Beyond. , 24th IPSA World Congress, 23-28 July, 2016, Poznan, Poland

Marco Lisi. (2016). No country for populist parties: explaining the Portuguese anomaly. Populism, Prejudices, and Perspectives. Italy and Germany in Today’s Europe, 11-12/11/2016, Frankfurt.

Marco Lisi, & Enrico Borghetto. (2016). Parliamentary Questions and Individual Representation in a Party-Dominated Environment: Evidence from Portugal. , 24th IPSA World Congress, 23-28 July, 2016, Poznan, Poland

Emmanouil Tsatsanis. (2016). The Populist Connection: Investigating the Elective Affinities Between SYRIZA and the Independent Greeks, 24th IPSA World Congress, 23-28 July, 2016, Poznan, Poland.

André Freire, Marco Lisi & Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2016), «Political representation studies in Portugal: Major characteristics, methodologies, findings and outputs», paper delivered at the panel on Southern Europe within the set of two panels on «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America», 24th IPSA World Congress, 23-28 July, 2016, Poznan, Poland., Research Committee «Political Elites», RC02, & Research Committee 23 (RC23), «Elections, Citizens and Parties» (IPSA-ECP).

André Freire (2016), «The theory and practice of populism: from Latin America to Europe», paper delivred at the panel The concept of populism in the analysis of political phenomena: From Latin America to Europe, RC06 Political Sociology, convened and chaired by Mayra (Goulart) Silva, 24th IPSA World Congress, 23-28 July, 2016, Poznan, Poland.

André Freire (2016), «Electoral Reform in Portugal: an Overview», Roundtable about Electoral reforms: What political scientists know that practitioners don’t?, with Alan Renwick, Henry Milner; Sarah Birch, Pedro Riera Sagrera, & André Freire, Chair: Damien Bol, ECPR General Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-10/9/2016.

André Freire (2016), «The condition of Portuguese democracy during the Troika's intervention, 2011-2015: Government-Opposition, Regime Support and Political Trust», Panel P364: Representation in Southern Europe: Views and Performance in Times of Economic Crisis (Section Reconfiguring Southern Europe), Chair: Pablo Onate, ECPR General Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-10/9/2016.

André Freire & José Santana-Pereira (2016), «The Portuguese semi-presidential system in times of crisis, 2011-2015», Panel P429: The Relationship between Heads of State and Prime Ministers (Section Presidential Politics. Powers and Constraints in Comparative Perspective), Chair: Thomas Sedelius, ECPR General Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 7-10/9/2016.

Ana M. Belchior, & Emmanouil Tsatsanis. (2016). Inequality, Austerity and Political Representation in Southern Europe. 24th IPSA World Congress, 23-28 July, 2016, Poznan, Poland.

Painéis organizados em conferências nacionais e internacionais

André Freire, Marco Lisi, Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2018). Workshop «Recent Iberian Political Developments:gender gap and digital media issues. Observatório da Democracia e Representação Política – CIES-IUL: Lisboa

André Freire, Marco Lisi, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Xavier Coller, Cristina Rivas & Mélany Barragán (Conveners & Chairs), Coordination of three panels about «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession? » at IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, University of Salamanca, Spain, July 17-19, 2017,

André Freire (chair) and Xavier Coller (co-chair) organization of a panel with 6 papers about «Political representation & Leadership in Southern Europe:Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession?», for The Standing Group on Elites and Political Leadership, within a eight panel set within the section dedicated to research on elites and political leadership, ECPR General Conference in Oslo, Norway (6-9 September, 2017).

André Freire (2016), com Cristina Rivas & Xavier Coller, «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America», organizador principal de dois painéis para o 24º Congresso Mundial da IPSA, 23-28 Julho 2016, Poznan, Polónia

André Freire, Marco Lisi, Emmanouil Tsatsanis, Xavier Coller, Cristina Rivas, Mélany Barragán, (2017) «Political representation in Southern Europe and Latin America: Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession? », organizadores de três painéis para o IV Congreso Latinoamericano y Caribeño de Ciencias Sociales, Universidade de Salamanca, Espanha, Julho 17-19, 2017

André Freire (2017) com Xavier Coller, Painel P286, «Political representation & Leadership in Southern Europe: Crisis or Continuing Transformation following the Great Recession?», ECPR General Conference, Oslo, Noruega, 6-9 Setembro, 2017